Colbert Mueller
Charis Church
Please pray for my cousin Cobert Mueller he has cancer and is currently undergoing two types of chemotherapy.
Nov-18 / last prayer 25h agoMaricel F
Charis Church
Please pray for me to find work. My family is struggling and I don’t want to be homeless. It’s the holidays. Please Jesus, hear my cries, prayers and plea
Nov-11 / last prayer 29h agoAddiana Paul
Charis Church
Willette will be getting a bone marrow transplant tomorrow. Dr. said if the transplant is unsuccessful, she will have less than a year and 6months to live. Pray for healing & salvation for household.
Nov-12 / last prayer 25h agoJacqueline Parks
Charis Church
I need strength to make through my day as teacher. Grades are due and my class is failing. I feel overwhelmed and just some help through this.!
Nov-14 / last prayer 25h agoMaricel Florendo
Charis Church
Our lord savior answered my prayers. I finally got blessed with a job. I start on Monday. Thank you Charis Family for all the prayers. Thank you Jesus
Nov-19 / last rejoice 3h ago